监测了广州市北京路步行街、上下九步行街和天河城商业区的广告大屏幕和广告招牌夜间照明,初步探明夜间光污染状况及对周边环境的影响。调查研究结果表明:广州市商业区广告大屏幕的平均亮度为1063.9~2537.0 cd/m^2,均超过《城市夜景照明设计规范》(JGJ/T 163-2008)中有关城市中心和商业区(E4)中广告照明的平均亮度限值规定的2.5~6.3倍,商住混合区临街住宅最大窗外垂直照度均超过《城市夜景照明设计规范》(JGJ/T 163-2008)中居住区(E3)熄灯时段前10 lx的限值规定,其中北京路步行街口霓虹灯二楼民宅监测点的最大窗外垂直照度超标准限值达10倍,存在较大程度的光污染。
The night-time illumination and the light pollution of the most influential commercial area such as Beijing road pedestrian street , Shang xiajiu pedestrian street and Teemall were investigated .The results demonstrated that the average luminance of 1063.9~2537.0 cd/m^2 of advertise mental screens were 2.6 to 6.3 times higher than the Code for lighting design of urban nightscape (JGJ/T 163-2008), especially the maximum luminance detected in Beijing road pedestrian street which was 13.6 times higher than the maximum value 400 cd/m^2 of the Code JGJ/T 163-2008.The colorful light pollution produced by widely used signboards such as projected lights advertisement , bollards advertisement , LED advertisement and neon-light advertisement were heavy .The outdoor vertical luminance in residences in the commercial area is way too over 10 lx-the limited values by the Code for lighting design of urban nightscape ( JGJ/T 163 -2008) concerning E3 area.In addition, the maximum outdoor vertical luminance in second floor residence in Beijing road pedestrian street was 10 times more than the value of the Code JGJ/T 163-2008 , which indicated a far greater light pollution .
China Illuminating Engineering Journal
light environment
night illuminance
advertisemental lighting