数码摄影使用的软件最为著名和普及的当属Adobe Photoshop(简称PS).自从Photoshop CS版本以来,直至最新的2014年的Photoshop CC版,软件开始更多地从最初主要针对平面设计工作者,转而增加更多处理照片的功能而使摄影师们欣喜若狂.面对摄影师的Photoshop捆绑了Bridge(简称Br)和Camera RAW(简称ACR)两个软件.Br用于浏览和管理照片,ACR则于解码RAW格式照片并编辑.
The most famous and popular software on digital photography is Adobe Photoshop.It began to change since the Photoshop CS version till the latest Photoshop CC version in 2014,from originally designed for graphic design workers to adding more photo processing functions.This makes photographers mad with joy.Photoshop that designed for photographers bounded Bridge(Br for short) and Camera RAW(ACR for short),with Br for image browsing and management and ACR for decoding and editing RAW format images.