利用采自甘肃哈思山的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树木年轮资料,采用区域曲线(Regional Curve)、负指数曲线(Negative Exponential Curve)和样条函数(Smoothing Spline,30 a步长和67%样本序列长度步长)3种不同类型的去趋势方法,分别建立了RCS、NEL、SP30和SP67四个树轮宽度年表。通过比较不同树轮宽度指数序列和它们对温度、降水的响应发现:4个树轮宽度指数序列的波动趋势十分一致,但波动幅度有所差异;4个年表对降水的响应较差,对温度的响应差异较大,其中,RCS和NEL年表对温度的响应更为敏感,保留了较多的温度信息;温度对研究区树木生长限制作用较强。利用功率谱方法分析了不同去趋势方法对不同频域气候信号的影响,结果显示:不同去趋势方法得到的年表保留低频变化信息的能力差别较大,其中用区域曲线和负指数函数方法建立的年表保留低频信息的能力较强,而用样条函数建立的年表保留低频信息的能力较差。通过综合比较分析,认为负指数函数是比较适合研究区油松树轮资料的一种去趋势方法。
Tree-ring width not only reflects inter-annual variation related to climate and associated water deficit information but also biological information. To extract climate signals, non-climatic information must be removed. A total of 114 Pinus tabulaeformis samples were collected from 55 trees at Hasi Mountain, Jingyuan County, Gansu Province northwestern China. Based on the tree-ring width data, the paper developed four ring-width chronologies using different detrending methods including regional curve, negative exponential curves, 30-year and 67% of series length fixed smoothing splines. For the sake of convenience, the resulting chronologies were abbreviated as RCS, NEL, SP30 and SP67 chronologies, respectively. The results suggest that there are very consistent change trends among four chronologies, but amplitudes of ring-width fluctuation yield considerable differences. RCS and NEL chronologies have larger amplitudes than SP30 and SP67 during the period with notably lower tree growth or higher one. Two chronologies developed using smoothing splines have gentle changes, and the amplitude of fluctuation be- ing gentler with the step length being shorter. All the four chronologies have peak correlation with precipitation in September of the previous year. In addition to many similarities, the chronologies demonstrate several discrepancies. RCS and NEL chronologies have stronger correlation with average temperature than other chronologies, which indi- cates they are capable of capturing more temperature signals. Compared with precipitation, temperature plays an im- portant role in limiting the tree growth. The results from power spectral analysis show that the ability of the chronolo- gies to preserve climate signals varies in different frequency domains, especially in the lower frequencies. Compared with SP30 and SP67 chronologies, the RCS and NEL chronologies reveal more low-frequency climate variability. However, the SP30 and SP67 chronologies can reflect more high frequency information. The negative exponential
Arid Land Geography
Hasi Mountain
tree tings
detrending methods