This paper intends to make a comparative analysis of the smoke control modes in case of a fire disaster of the long corridor of high-rise buildings. As is known, in firerevention designs for highrise buildings, the major concern is to ensure the safe evacuation of the residential occupants in the buildings and to prevent the smoke from spreading to the evacuation channels. It is for this purpose that we have chosen the topic to study the effects of common smoke control modes in long corridor of a typical 17-storeyed high-rise to find how to use traditional smoke control methods to set smoke screens, mechanical exhaust vents and the air supply vents in the corridor so as to be able to display the advantages of the methods and overcome their shortcomings. As is known, the air curtain is a relatively new approach in recent years, which can be used in front of the vestibule door to segregate smoke from the fire, but not influence the eye-sight of the evacuees, which can also provide them with a free access to the evacuation exits. In so doing, we would like to compare the air curtain with the traditional smoke control approach, by which we have attempted to set eight smoke control modes in the floor under fire, including smoke screens, mechanical exhaust vents, an air supply vent and an air curtain. To produce a more vivid effect, we have made Fire Dynamics Simulator to imitate each mode and try to gain an optimal design. We have also used the full-scale test m verify the modes and demonstrate the simulated results which can be made well fit with the experimental results at an error rate no more than 6 %. The FDS simulation results tell us that, with the same volume of the total smoke exhaust, the increase of the smoke exhaust vents from one to two may help to lower the smoke strength of all the vents. In addition, the smoke screen can be made effective to prevent the smoke spreading in the early stage so as for the appropriate amount of smoke screens to be used for the corridor smoke control. Besides, the air curtai
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
long corridor
smoke control
buffer zone