Previous soil-disc force prediction models have considered spherical and concave blades, as used on disc ploughs and harrows, with many simplifying assumptions. This study proposes an approach applying the fundamental equation of earth moving mechanics for calculating the soil passive reaction acting on a rotating fiat disc blade as used on a zero-till single disc seeder. The study considers the effects of disc variable depth of cut, sweep and tilt angles, free rotation and a scrubbing reaction at the beveled edge. This paper outlines the modeling approach and prediction results for a fixed circular blade operating at 90° sweep angle over a range of speeds and at two tilt angles. To account for the varying depth across the circular disc shape width, elemental wide blade force reactions acting on wide blade segments of elemental width were integrated across the disc working width. By including inertia forces due to speed as well as additional bulldozing forces due to the loose soil accumulation in front of the blade the draught and upward vertical forces acting on the vertical disc blade were predicted with a deviation of 6%-19% and 1.5%-14% from measured data, respectively. The model was able to predict the effect of increasing the tilt angle from 0° to 20° on reducing both draught and upward vertical forces. Further development and validation of the model will be described in subsequent papers, reflecting a step by step approach of increasing complexity to model a disc blade as used on a zero-till single disc seeding system.