研究了CaO Fe2 O3 CaF2 基粉剂在铁水预处理中的脱磷效果 ,对该渣重要性能指数CaO/Fe2 O3 及助熔剂含量对脱磷率的影响进行了实验室研究 ;对宝钢二炼钢铁水预处理工艺影响CaO Fe2 O3 CaF2 基粉剂脱磷率的因素进行了探讨。工业实际操作中 ,脱磷前硅含量、铁水温度、铁水中硫含量都会影响脱磷率。
The efficiency of hot metal dephosphorization by CaO Fe 2O 3 CaF 2 based flux was studied The effect of the important flux indexes, CaO/Fe 2O 3 ,and the CaF 2 content on η P was investigated in laboratory with a vertical MoSi 2 electro resistance furnace The results show that the appropriate CaO/Fe 2O 3 ratio is 0 95 1 10, and the CaF 2 content in the flux is about 8 % The factors which influence dephosphorization of hot metal in industrial scale with CaO Fe 2O 3 CaF 2 based flux are discussed The Si and S content and temperature in hot metal before pretreatment can influence dephosphorization effectiveness at certain extent
Iron and Steel