Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is widely used in petrochemical industry as it helps improve the system reliability, identify the weakness of the systems. However, there are obvious drawbacks if we still use traditional RPN method to evaluate continuous process industry. Taking account of the maintenance expenses which have an significant impact on continuous production, the modified risk priority number evaluation method named MRPN was proposed.I) Taking the maintenance fees into account is more practical for continuous process industry; 2)The MRPN method increases the maximum resolution to 400% of that of traditional RPN method, and can identify the risk priority number of various modes of failure more effectively; 3) the algorithm is more robust. At last, a case study for MRPN modeling and analysis based on the melting urea pump of Ningxia Petrochemical NO. 2 chemical fertilizer plant was conducted. The result shows that the MRPN method is better than traditional RPN method.
Industrial Technology Innovation