北京唐人当代艺术中心TANG CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER.BEIJING2014.5.10-2014.06.30王音今年夏天最新个展的展题一如既往,具名为"王音",虽然展览通告中将本次展览描述为艺术家自2009至2014年的创作,然而实际展出十三件作品,全部来自最近两年间的近作。这是一个结构单纯的展览,整个展厅被分为一大一小两个空间,从展览效果看,策展方似乎是从作品的内容角度出发。
In terms of layout, "Wang Yin" is relatively simple: the entire exhibition is split between two areas, one large and one small. Nude portraits, perhaps thought to benefit from inti- mate viewing, are displayed in the smaller, darker area, lit by floodlights as if they were museum artifacts. The remaining ten paintings, meanwhile, are lit conventionally in the larger, more spacious part of the exhibition. This arrangement is excessively simple, and seems to obscure relationships between works that might reveal the artist's current aesthetic or conceptual locus.