
法国何以成为中非合作的战略伙伴?--中、非、法三方合作模式探索与思考 被引量:1

Is France a Strategic Partner in Sino-African Cooperation?——Exploring the Mode of Cooperation among China, Africa and France
摘要 在中非合作中,中法双方常常被视为狭路相逢的对手,甚至是不共戴天的仇敌,主张对立或对抗的声音此起彼伏。毫无疑问,把法国看成竞争对手无益于中非关系的巩固和发展,法国应该成为中非合作与交流中的重要伙伴。中非合作不仅仅是中国人和非洲人的事,还应充分考虑前宗主国的影响与作用。从法国在非洲的历史文化渊源、当今法国与非洲的互动机制以及特殊影响力、中法关系以及两国的国际战略来看,法国可以成为中非合作中的战略伙伴。我们要充分认识到法国与非洲的关系、法国在非洲的利益、法国在整个西方世界的作用,化挑战为机遇,取长补短,互利互惠,合作共赢。 In Sino-African cooperation, China and France often regard each other as close rivals or even enemies with irreconcilable hatred, and many people in both countries keep advocating confronting or opposing the other. Undoubtedly; seeing France as a competitor is not conducive to the consolidation and development of Sino- African relations. France should become an important partner in the Sino-African cooperation and exchanges. Sino- Alirican cooperation not only concerns China and Africa, the influences and effects of the former suzerain should also be fully considered. In terms of the history and culture about French presence in Ati'ica, France's current interactive mechanism with and special influences in Africa, and China-France relations and their global strategies, France can be a strategic partner in the Sino-African cooperation. We should thlly understand the France-Africa relations, French interests in Afi'ica and the role of France in the Western world, turn challenges into opportunities, learn from each other, and develop a mutually beneficial, cooperative and win-win relationship.
作者 刘成富
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2014年第14期46-53,共8页 Frontiers
关键词 中非合作 法国 非洲 中法合作 Sino-Africml cooperation, France, Africa, Sino-French cooperation
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