夏威夷的美丽岛屿让每位游客皆能尽兴游玩 夏威夷每年吸引约700万游客到访,这也难怪,夏威夷美丽的自然景观、丰富的文化、各式各样的活动,使它成为美国最多元化的观光景点之一。夏威夷六大岛群无一相似,就连同一岛上的不同区域、不同海岸也可能截然不同。
Hawaii attracts about seven million visitors annually. It's no wonder, with a beautiful natural landscape, rich culture and vast range of activities,that it's one of the most diverse destinations in the United States. No two islands of the six-island chain are the same, and even different areas and coasts of a single island can vary drastically. This means that all kinds of travelers can find what they're looking for-and fortunately, travel among the islands is relatively easy and stress-free.