目的探讨单体核型急性髓细胞白血病(monosomal karyotype acute myeloid leukemia,MK-AML)患者的临床和细胞遗传学特征。方法对3743例初发AML患者的染色体核型进行分析,将发现的153例MK-AML患者的年龄、性别、FAB分型、外周血象、白血病免疫分型和核型进行归纳分析。结果3743例确诊的初发AML患者中存在染色体核型异常的病例总计2056例,其中153例为MK-AML,占该组AML的4.1%(153/3743)。男性病例多见(93例),中位年龄54岁。中位白细胞计数为4.4×10^9/L。其中同时符合复杂染色体核型诊断标准的病例为145例,占94.8%(145/153)。1~22号染色单体都被检测到,所有单体中-7最多,共59例,占38.56%(59/153)。结论MK-AML是AML患者中一类独特的细胞遗传学亚型,以7号染色体单体最为多见,在中老年AML患者中多见。
Objective To investigate the clinical and genetics characteristics of patients with monosomal karyotype acute myeloid leukemia (MK-AML). Methods The karyotypes of 3743 patients with newly-diagnosed de novo AML were analyzed, which had identified 153 cases with MK-AML, for whom the clinical and genetics characteristics were analyzed. Results There were 2056 patients (54. 9%) among all patients. A total of 153 patients fulfilling the criteria for MK-AML were identified, which comprised 93 males and 60 females, with a median age of 54. The median white blood cell count on presentation was 4.4× 10^9/L. One hundred and forty-five cases (94.8%) have fulfilled the criteria for complex karyotype (≥ 3 chromosomal abnormalities). Although the monosomy could be found with all autosomes, chromosome 7 has been most frequently involved (38. 56%, 59/153). Conclusion MK-AML is a distinct cytogenetic subtype of AML. Monosomy 7 is frequently detected among MK-AML patients. The monosomal karyotype is common among elder patients with AML.
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics