目的分析甘肃省陇南市农村生活饮用水工程的基本情况,探讨影响水质的主要因素,为提高农村生活饮用水质量提供依据。方法对2009─2012年陇南市2 088份农村生活饮用水检测结果进行评价,选择可能对农村生活饮用水水质造成影响的因素,量化分级,并进行Logistic回归分析。结果陇南市水质细菌学检测结果与区(县)(χ2=28.118)、水源类型(χ2=8.278)、年份(χ2=57.881)、水期类型(χ2=194.168)4种因素相关(均P<0.05);毒理学指标与供水方式(χ2=13.264)、区(县)(χ2=38.268)因素相关(均P<0.05);水质感官和一般理化指标与区(县)(χ2=154.308)、年份(χ2=92.317)、水源类型(χ2=5.194)3种因素相关(均P<0.05);经哑变量分析发现,沟塘水、深井水水质稳定,不易受其他因素影响,取水过程中机械浸蚀影响水质。结论陇南市在农村生活饮水的水源和供水设施的保护方面存在问题,供水设施不完善、消毒设施不健全;应加强对水源和供水设施地保护,完善供水设施建设;优先选择沟塘水和深井水,对供水方式为机器取水的水源,应定期监测出厂水水质。
Objective To analyze basic situations of rural drinking water projects in Longnan City, Gansu, discuss the main influencing factors of water quality, to provide the basis for improving rural drinking water quality. Methods Test re- suits of 2 088 samples of rural drinking water from 2009 to 2012 were evaluated. The factors that may affect the quality of ru- ral drinking water were chosen to carry out quantification grading' and the stepwise logistic regression analysis. Results There were relationship (P〈0.05) between water bacteriology and different countries (X2=28.118), type of water source (X2= 8.278), the year of testing (X2=57.881) and the type of water period (Z2=194.168). Water toxicology correlated (P〈0.05) with the water supply way (X2=3.264) and the counties (X2=38.268). Sensory and general physical and chemical indicators related (P〈0.05) with the countries (X2=154.308), the year of testing (X2=92.317) and the type of water source (X2=5.194). The quality of ditch pond water and deep well water were stable and it was not easy to be affected by other factors, the mechanical ero- sion affected the water quality. Conclusions The protection of the source of rural drinking water and water supply facili- ties are still not enough. At the same time it also reflects that the water supply facilities and disinfection facilities of rural drinking water engineering in the city are not perfect. It is important to strengthen the protection of water source and water supply facilities and improve the facilities construction of water supply in the future work. We'd better choose the ditch pond and deep well water preferentially and monitor the water quality of the water supplied by machine.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)