目的探讨黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎(XGC)的MRI特征。材料与方法搜集8例经病理证实为XGC的患者的术前MRI影像,观察胆囊改变(壁增厚和强化的方式、胆囊壁内结节、黏膜线是否完整完整性和是否有结石)、胆囊周围组织改变。结果 8例患者均出现胆囊壁增厚,其中6例为弥漫性增厚、2例局部增厚。8例患者可见胆囊壁内结节灶,表现为较长T1、长T2信号。8例患者胆囊黏膜线均明显强化,6例胆囊黏膜线完整,2例中断。合并胆囊结石8例。所有的病例均出现肝实质动脉期一过性强化。结论胆囊壁增厚、胆囊壁内结节、黏膜线连续、邻近的肝实质动脉期一过性强化为XGC的常见影像征象。
Objective: To study the MRI featheres of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC). Materials and Methods:A retrospective analysis was performed on 8 patients with pathologically proven XGC in this study. All patients underwent MRI scanning. The MRI feathers were:the patterns of wall thickening and enhancement, the presence of intramural nodules, mucosal line and presence of stones in the gallbladder. Liver parenchyma changes were also reviewed. Results:Gallbladder wall thickening occurred in all of the 8 cases. 6 cases were diffuse thickening and 2 cases were local thickening. Nodules were found in all of the 8 cases, which were low signal intensity on T1WI and high signal intensity on T2WI. Mucous membrane enhanced in all cases, in which 6 cases had intact mucosal line, 2 cases had interrupted mucosal line. All patients had cholecystolithiasis. Temporal enhancement of arterial phase in liver parenchyma in all cases. Conclusions:Frequent imaging manifestation of XGC were asymmetrical thickening of gallbladder wall, nodule in gallbladder wall, intact mucosal line and temporal enhancement of arterial phase in liver parenchyma.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging