Debris flow disasters on 2004 in Dengchang country caused serious harm to local residents and pro- duction. Forecast and control the group-occurring debris flow will be the most important and difficult issues in deb- ris flow disaster prevention and mitigation work in Dechang country. And in the event of an outbreak of group-oc- curring debris flow, debris flow be triggered in some gullies, but some of gullies have no debris flow. So contrasting and researching the topography, geology and hydrology conditions of these two types gullies make it possible to de- termine the formation probability of debris flow. To research the formation mechanism of group-occurring debris flow in Dechang country on August 24,2004, this paper uses a formation model for debris flows. The formation model for debris flows proposes one single factor to represent the factors related to topography, geology and hydrology and gets triggering threshold of debris flows. The critical rainfall of every gully is obtained by inverse calculation of dis- criminant model. Probability of the debris flow formation is divided into three levels : security, prone and high inci- dence. The method fully considers the debris flow formation conditions: topography, geology and hydrology. The model uses dimensionless, it facilitates to assessment to the difficulty of debris flows, so made a good effect in the study area. provides a new research method for the prevention and control of debris flow.
Science Technology and Engineering
group-occurring debris flow formation mechanism prediction research Dechang county