为丰富北方温室栽培果树树种,对日光温室栽培无花果麦司依陶芬的生长表现进行了调查.结果表明:麦司依陶芬在“一字形”重短截状态下萌发的新梢生长量大,圆柱形轻短截状态下新梢生长量小.一年生枝条的顶芽内雏梢分化优于侧芽,采收期集中在8月10日~10月10日,该品种适宜日光温室环境条件,丰产,2011和2012年单产分别达19 263.9和18 012.45 kg·hm2,可以在温室栽培果树生产中应用.
In order to enrich species of cultivation fruit in greenhouse in North China, the growth performance of Masui Dauphine figs were studied. The results showed that the shoot growth of tree with straight line training was larger than that of tree with cylinder shaped light cutting. Younger shoot differentiation in terminal bud of annual branch were better than lateral buds. Fruit harvesting time focused on two months that from August 10th to October 10th. Masui Dauphine figs were suitable cultivated in solar greenhouse, the yield reached 19 263.9 and 18 012.45 kg.hm-2 respectively in 2011 and 2012,and it could be used in the production of fruit trees in greenhouse.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences