
Disposcope内窥镜用于声门显露困难患者气管插管术的效果 被引量:6

Efficacy of Disposcope endoscope for tracheal intubation in patients with difficult glottis exposure
摘要 目的 评价Disposcope内窥镜用于声门显露困难患者气管插管术的效果.方法 择期行经口气管插管的全麻患者60例,性别不限,年龄22 ~ 68岁,Macintosh喉镜显露Cormack-Lehane分级Ⅲ或Ⅳ级,采用随机数字表法,将患者分为2组(n=30):Macintosh喉镜辅助Disposcope内窥镜组(DM组)和Disposcope内窥镜组(D组).记录声门显露情况、声门显露时间、气管插管情况、气管插管时间、辅助上提下颌、口腔粘膜出血情况;术后随访患者,记录咽喉疼痛及声音嘶哑情况.结果 2组2次气管插管成功率均为100%;与DM组比较,D组辅助上提下颌率降低(P<0.05),声门显露成功率、声门显露时间、气管插管时间、1次气管插管成功率、口腔粘膜出血率、咽喉疼痛和声音嘶哑程度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 Disposcope内窥镜在上提下颌后可显著改善声门显露困难患者气管插管条件. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Disposcope endoscope for tracheal intubation in patients with difficult glottis exposure.Methods Sixty adult patients of both sexes,aged 22-68 yr,scheduled for elective oro-tracheal intubation under general anesthesia,whose glottis was not visible under Macintosh laryngoscope (grade Ⅲ or according to Cormach-Lehane Grading of laryngoscopic view),were randomized into 2 groups (n =30 each) using a random number table:group Macintosh laryngoscope-assisted Disposcope endoscope (group DM) and group Disposcope endoscope (group D).The glottis exposure condition and time,intubation condition and time,assisted lifting mandible,laryngeal mucosa bleeding and postoperative sore throat and hoarseness were recorded.Results The success rate of intubation at second attempt achieved 100% in the two groups.Compared with group DM,the incidence of assisted lifting mandible was decreased,and no significant changes were found in the success rate of glottis exposure,glottis exposure time,intubation time,success rate of intubation at first attempt,incidence of laryngeal mucosa bleeding,and postoperative sore throat and hoarseness in group D.Conclusion Disposcope endoscope can improve the condition for tracheal intubation significantly after lifting mandible in patients with difficult glottis exposure.
出处 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期601-603,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
关键词 内窥镜检查 插管法 气管内 声门 Endoscopy Intubation, intratracheal Glottis
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