目的 :报告 111例注射性臀肌筋膜挛缩症的手术治疗体会。方法 :行挛缩筋膜松解并切除部分挛缩臀肌 ,或者行挛缩筋膜松解后切断挛缩变性的臀肌肌束。结果 :10 1例得到随访 ,时间为 3个月至 12个月 ,97例患者步态基本正常 ,患侧髋关节活动无受限。结论 :行挛肌筋膜松解加切除部分挛缩臀肌或切断挛缩臀肌肌束 。
Objective: To report operation treatment on 111 cases of gluteal contracture cause by injection.Methods: Releasing gluteal fascial and excisepart of gluteal muscle fiber.Or cutting contracted gluteal muscle fiber after release gluteal fascial.Results: 101 patients were followed up for 3-12 months,of them 97 were normal in steps,their involved side hip arthroplasty were not restricted.Conclusion: Release gluteal fascial and excise part of gluteal muscle fiber,or cut contracted gluteal muscle,is effective treatment to gluteal contracture.
Hebei Medicine