逆向O2O是继传统网络购物模式后,最新兴起的基于移动电子商务的网络购物模式。尝试运用消费价值理论和消费者理性行为理论,探讨智能手机用户在移动商务环境下对逆向O2O消费模式的使用意愿。釆用Cronbach's a系数和因子分析方法对测量结果的信度和效度进行检验,运用结构方程模型进行研究假设的检证。实证分析结果表明:功能价值、情感价值、新奇价值、情境价值对使用态度有正向影响;社会价值对使用态度影响不显著;新奇价值对男性消费者的使用态度有显著的正向影响,而情感价值和情境价值直接影响女性消费者的使用态度。
Reverse O2O mode is a new network consumption mode based on mobile e-commerce environment. This paper attempts to use consumption value theory and the theory of reasoned action, investigates user's willingness to reverse O2O consumption patterns under the mobile e-commerce environment. Cronbach's α coefficient and factor analysis method is used to verify the reliability and validity of the measurement results; structural equation model is used to verify the research hypothesis. The empirical results show that functional value, emotional value, novelty value, context value have positive effects on the attitude of use; social values does not significantly affect the attitude of use ; the novelty value has a significant positive effect on male consumer; emotional value and environment value directly influence female consumers' attitudes.
Science & Technology and Economy