目的:了解我院抗菌药物处方合理用药情况,以期提高临床医师合理使用抗菌药物的水平。方法:抽取我院2011年与2012年第4季度门急诊抗菌药物处方共17 322张,按照原卫生部《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》进行评价分析。分别从使用频率排前10位抗菌药物类别、品种及科室方面统计分析,并对不合理使用抗菌药物的处方进行分类讨论。结果:抗菌药物类别使用率排前3位的均为头孢菌素类、大环内酯类及硝基咪唑类;使用频率排前3位的品种2011年为头孢地尼胶囊(占13.78%)、红霉素肠溶胶囊(占10.86%)及奥硝唑胶囊(占10.85%),2012年为头孢地尼胶囊(占21.83%)、奥硝唑胶囊(占12.63%)及红霉素肠溶胶囊(占10.53%);开具抗菌药物排前3位的科室2011年为儿科(占17.94%)、妇产科(占17.22%)及泌尿外科(占7.97%),2012年为妇产科(占17.51%)、儿科(占15.62%)及耳鼻咽喉头颈外科(占12.85%)。抗菌药物使用存在不合理情况,主要表现为不规范处方、用药不适宜处方、超常处方。结论:2012年不合理处方比例较2011年有所降低,但用药不适宜与超常处方比例有所提高。医院应加强监督管理,以提高处方质量和合理用药水平。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate rational use of drugs in antibiotics prescriptions in our hospital, and to improve the ra- tional use of antibiotics. METHODS: 17 322 outpatient and emergency antibiotics prescriptions were collected from our hospital in the fourth quarter of 2011 and 2012, and then were evaluated and analyzed according to Hospital Prescription Comment Regulation (trial). Top 10 antibiotics in the list of frequency were analyzed statistically in respects of category, type and department, and irra- tional use of antibiotics prescription was also discussed. RESULTS: Top 3 antibiotics categories in the list of utilization ratio were cephalosporins, macrolides and nitroimidazoles. Top 3 types in the list of utilization ratio in 2011 were Cephalosporin capsule (13.78%), Erythromycin enteric capsule (10.86%) and Ornidazole capsule (10.85%), and in 2012 were Cephalosporin capsule (21.83%), Ornidazole capsule (12.63%) and Erythromycin enteric capsules (10.53%); top 3 departments in the list of antibiotics in 2011 were pediatric department (17.94%), gynecology and obstetrics department (17.22%) and urinary surgery department (7.97%), in 2012 were obstetrics and gynecology department (17.51%), pediatrics department (15.62%) and otolaryngolo- gy-head and neck surgery department (12.85%); there was irrational use of antibiotics, mainly including nonstandard prescription, unsuitable medication, and abnormal ones. CONCLUSIONS: The percentage of irrational prescriptions in 2012 is lower than the counterpart in 2011, while the percentage of unsuitable medication and abnormal prescriptions in 2012 is higher than in 2011. The hospital should strengthen supervision and management to improve the quality of prescription and rational drug use.
China Pharmacy
Rational drug use
Prescription review