
基于用户访问特征的云存储副本动态管理节能策略 被引量:2

Energy-efficient strategy for dynamic management of cloud storage replica based on user visiting characteristic
摘要 针对云计算环境下服务器利用率低、能耗浪费严重的问题,提出一种基于用户访问特征的云存储副本动态管理节能策略。通过把用户访问特征的研究转化为计算Block的访问热度,根据节点的整体访问热度,DataNode主动申请休眠从而达到节能的目的。给出了详细的休眠申请、休眠判断算法,以及在DataNode休眠期间出现对已休眠Block进行访问的情况时如何处理的解决方案。实验结果表明,采用该策略后可休眠29%~42%的DataNode,减少能耗31%,且服务器的用户响应时间不受影响。经过性能分析,得出该策略在保证数据可用性的同时可有效地降低能耗。 For low server utilization and serious energy consumption waste problems in cloud computing environment, an energy-efficient strategy for dynamic management of cloud storage replica based on user visiting characteristic was put forward. Through transforming the study of the user visiting characteristics into calculating the visiting temperature of Block, DataNode actively applied for sleeping so as to achieve the goal of energy saving according to the global visiting temperature.The dormant application and dormancy verifying algorithm was given in detail, and the strategy concerning how to deal with the visit during DataNode dormancy was described explicitly. The experimental results show that after adopting this strategy, 29%-42% DataNode can sleep, energy consumption reduces by 31%, and server response time is well. The performance analysis show that the proposed strategy can effectively reduce the energy consumption while guaranteeing the data availability.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2256-2259,2290,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60863003 61063042) 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金资助项目(2011211A011)
关键词 云计算 存储副本动态管理 节能计算 访问热度 用户访问特征 cloud computing storage replica dynamic management energy-efficient computing visiting temperature user visiting characteristic
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