目的系统研究卵圆孔未闭与缺血性脑卒中之间的关系。方法检索CNKI、CBM disc、PubMed、Embase及Google Scholar数据库,选择关于卵圆孔未闭与缺血性脑卒中关系的队列研究,采用Stata11.0软件,通过Meta分析的方法探讨二者之间的关系。结果共检索出6篇队列研究,将各研究调整后的效应值及其95%CI合并后发现,与卵圆孔闭合人群比较,卵圆孔未闭患者患脑卒中的危险性并未发生明显变化(HR=1.27,95%CI:0.98~1.64,P=0.074),而卵圆孔未闭合并房间隔动脉瘤的患者脑卒中的危险性增加(HR=2.58,95%CI:1.03~6.49,P=0.043)。按PFO诊断方法分组,亚组分析显示,经食管超声心电图诊断PFO的结果表明卵圆孔未闭患者患脑卒中的风险是卵圆孔闭合人群的1.45倍,且二者间具有统计学差异(HR=1.45,95%CI:1.06~2.01,P=0.024)。结论卵圆孔未闭并不是导致脑卒中的一个独立危险因素,但在合并房间隔动脉瘤的情况下可能会增加脑卒中的发病风险,不过仍需更多大样本的队列研究加以证明。
Objective To study systematically the relationship between patent foramen ovale (PFO) and ischemia stroke. Methods The databases of CNKI, CBM disc, PubMed, Embase and Google Scholar were retrieved to choose cohort studies on the relationship between PFO and ischemia stroke. The relationship was analyzed through Meta-analysis by using Stata11.0 software. Results There were totally 6 cohort studies retrieved out. The Meta-analysis showed that the risk of stroke had no significant changes in the patients without PFO (HR=1.27, 95%CI:0.98-1.64, P=0.074) compared with those with PFO. In the patients with PFO, the risk of complicating atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) increased (HR=2.58, 95%CI:1.03-6.49, P=0.043). The outcomes of transesophageal echocardiography showed that the risk of stroke was 1.45 times in patients with PFO more than that in patients without PFO (HR=1.45, 95%CI:1.06-2.01, P=0.024). Conclusion PFO is not an independent risk factor of stroke, but will increase the risk of stroke when PFO complicating ASA. It needs more large-sample cohort studies to confirm the conclusion.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine