针对传统芬顿反应的缺点,研制了一种新型的非均相类芬顿催化剂,并对其处理不同类型废水的效果进行了实验。实验结果表明:pH为7.83的印染废水经处理后,COD的去除率可达67%以上,出水透明澄清;重复8次的实验数据表明该催化剂可以重复使用;pH为4.23的清洗废水反应时间为0.5 h和1.5 h时,COD去除率分别为43%和81%,说明COD的去除率随反应时间的增加而升高。
For the shortcomings of traditional Fenton reaction, a new type of heterogeneous catalysts Fenton was developed, its catalytic oxidation was also be researched. The experimental results show that: the results of dyeing wastewater which pH values is 7.83 indicates COD removal efficiency was above 65 % and the effluent was clear. The experiment was repeated eight times and its result shows the catalytic can be used repeatedly. When the reaction time of cleaning wastewater which pH values is 4.23 was half an hour and one hour, COD removal efficiency were 43 % and 81% respectively. It indicates COD treatment efficiency increases with longer reaction time.
Guangdong Chemical Industry