目的:探讨鼻腔内肿瘤调强放疗时舌的位置与剂量学关系。方法:对5侧2011—11—02—2012—08—31华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院经病理和影像确诊局限于鼻腔内肿瘤患者,在治疗计划系统中测量舌到硬腭的距离并计算其剂量,测量5例患者142次治疗摆位完成后锥形束cT(conebeam CT,CBCT)影像中的舌到硬腭的距离,并在治疗计划系统中模拟计算舌在该位置的剂量。结果:治疗计划定位时舌到硬腭的距离为0.00~l_10cm,治疗摆位时为0.00~0.95cm,治疗时舌的位置与定位时的重合率仅为3.52%,各例患者舌位置差异均值在0.10~0.35cm,剂量差异最大可达30.01Gy。结论:局限于鼻腔内肿瘤调强放疗时,作为毗邻器官舌的位置不易重复和固定,导致剂量差异。建议采用适当形状和组织等密度材料的压舌板予以固定,使舌远离硬腭以减小其所受剂量。
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the relation of the position and dosimetry of the tongue in the intensity-modu- lated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity tumors. METHODS:To measure the distances between the tongue and the hard palate in the TPS and calculate the doses of the tongue in the corresponding places for 5 patients with the nasal cavity tumors confirmed by the pathologic and medical imageologic methods from 2011-11-02 to 2012-08-31 in Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. To measure the distances between the tongue and the hard palate in the CBCT images obtained before treatment of the nasal cavity tumors of 5 patients for 142 times. To calculate the the doses of the tongue in the corresponding places in the TPS. RESULTS: The distances between the tongue and the hard palate in the TPS were not the same 5or 0.00 cm to 1.10 cm. That in the CBCT images were not the same too for 0.00 cm to 0.95 cm. The rate of the superposition of the tongue for each patient in the TPS and in the CBCT images was 3.52%. The discrepancies of tongue position was 0.10--1.10 cm. The discrepancies of the doses of the tongue for each patient existed,the most reached 30.01 Gy. CONCLUSIONS: The positions of the tongue that regarded as the neighboring apparatus in the localization and radiotherapy of the nasal cavity tumors are not identical and immobile, and resulted in the dose discrepancies. It is suggested that the position of tongue should be keep away from the hardpalate for less dose in the intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity tumors through spatula with the appropriate shape and materials.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
nasal cavity tumor
intensity-modulated radiotherapy