
贾英杰教授治疗胸腺瘤 被引量:1

Prof. Jia Yingjie's clinical experience in treating thymoma
摘要 贾英杰教授认为,胸腺瘤的病机关键为痰热、水饮结于胸胁,从而导致胸阳不振、气机不畅,此为全身属虚、局部属实的疾病,故治疗上运用"解毒祛瘀、扶正抗癌"的治疗大法,阳虚者,以温阳散结,痰瘀互结者化痰燥湿,肝郁脾虚者疏肝建脾。贾英杰教授以栝楼薤白半夏汤为底方,应用益气养血,兼以解毒祛瘀法治疗胸腺瘤,改善了病人临床症状,提高了生活质量。 Professor JIA Yingjie considered phlegm - heat and retained fluid knot in the chest are the key pathogenesis of thymoma. They cause hypofunction of YANG Qi in chest and inhibited activity of Qi. This is asthenia syndrome for the whole body and partially substantiated illness. Therefore, the treatment of "detoxifcation and removing blood stasis, strengthening the body resistance and anticancer" should be adopted. In this paper, Professor Jia Yingjie uses Gualou Xiebai Banxia De- coction combined with the treatment of replenishing Qi and blood and Jiedu Quyu to improve the clinical symptoms and life qualities of patients.
作者 李想 贾英杰
机构地区 天津中医药大学
出处 《吉林中医药》 2014年第7期662-664,共3页 Jilin Journal of Chinese Medicine
关键词 胸腺瘤 扶正祛瘀 扶正抗癌 贾英杰 thymoma strengthening vital Qi and eliminate pathogenic factor strengthening the body resistance and anti-cancer JIA Yingjie
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