It is commonly established that simple action phrases, such as " open the book" , were retained better when participantswere instructed to perform the actions themselves than when they learned the phrases by listening or reading. The excellent memory per-formance for subject - performed tasks ( SPTs), compared to verbal tasks ( VTs), has been called the SPT effect or the enactmenteffect. Although a great many of studies have focused on the enactment effect and four theories have been proposed to explain the enact-ment effect, there was no unitary model to explain the empirical findings. The purpose of this article was to present the development ofthe four explanations on action memory and to address the enactment effect from the perspective of integrating the process procedures aswell as the process system. The first theory was the nonstrategic theory. The researchers proved that action memory might be mediatedby automatic processes. However, as the research moved along, critical words were put forward against the nonstrategic view. Now mostresearchers considered that the pop - out mechanism contributes to the free recall in SPT. Next, researchers put forward the multimodalview which considered the visual modality, the auditory modality, the tactual mode, even the olfactory as well as gustatory modes mightbe involved in specific SPTs. This muhimodal notion was later extended to a dual code view, which stated that physical properties ofSPT were encoded non -strategically, whereas the verbal components were encoded strategically. However, the argument of the dualcode hypothesis by the proposers revealed contradictory results. So, most research concentrated on the muhimodal view other than thedual code hypothesis for the SPT effect. There was also the motor encoding view was proposed by Engelkamp and Zimmer who arguedthat the memory traces were enriched by motor components in addition to verbal, visual, and conceptual components. The motor enco-ding was the key for the enactment effect. As research conti
Journal of Psychological Science
SPT Effect, nonstrategic process theory, multimodal processes theory, motor encoding theory, episodic integration theory