Previous research demonstrated that, by activating an economic utility mindset of time, accounting for time induced individu-als to spend less time on others. However, the influence of accounting for time on prosocial behaviors may extend beyond simply howtime is spent. In this study, we not only retested the effect of billing time on time spent helping others, but also explored the effect ondonation. The first study sampled 29 college students. Participants engaged in a consulting task, where they made mock personnel decisionsfor a fictitious company. Participants were randomly assigned to either a non - billing control condition or a billing - time treatment con-dition. They engaged in a nearly identical consulting activity in both conditions, except that participants in the billing - time conditionkept a log cataloging "specifically what you have done and how much each office's budget should be charged for that time every ten mi-nutes. " Next, participants appraised the extent of fatigue and their mood, and then completed the assessment of helping behaviors. Re-suits showed that participants in the billing- time condition spent less time than others. The present results are consistent with the re-cent findings that people who evaluate their time in terms of money spend less time on others. A total of 47 participants took part in the second study. The procedure was identical with the first study, except that the dependentvariable became money spent helping others. Results showed that participants in the billing - time condition spent less money on others.The third study sampled 332 participants who had worked for more than one year from network. Participants in the time/money conditioncalculated their hourly wage. In contrast, participants who were assigned to the control condition proceeded directly to the rest of thestudy session. Subsequent to the manipulation, participants responded to a measure of money spent helping. Results showed that partic-ipants who calculated their hourly wage would spend less
Journal of Psychological Science
accounting for time, prosocial behaviors, economic utility mindsets