

On “Keeping Efforts” of “Four Scholars in Yongshang”
摘要 "甬上四先生"除杨简外,都表现出"尊德性"与"道问学"的融汇主张。舒璘的存养工夫表现出"平实"的色彩,他不太注重通过自身的冥神苦想达到对"本心"的领悟和融通,而是更多地依靠自身的渐次努力淬炼道德品质。舒璘很少讲象山倡导的"易简功夫",倒是有一些去欲存理的渐进工夫。沈焕的精神气质与思想风貌与舒璘比较接近,在尊崇德性自觉,发明本心之善的前提下,还是着眼于躬行实践的踏实工夫。杨简讲"绝四"工夫,即"毋意"、"毋必"、"毋固"、"毋我",他将重点放置在"毋意"上,让本心保持一种无思无为、寂然不动的"明鉴"的状态。通过"毋意"的修养工夫便可维护本心之善,使"心"恢复到寂然不动和无尘无垢的本来状态。袁燮认识到"先立乎其大"是引领人们从事存养工夫的先决条件,"心"与事物相接时要做到"以道理观之",道理准则的运行依赖本心的知觉功能,强调本心是人的先天固有的,也承认后天环境对人的铸造,在修养论上呈现出调和的色彩,注重精思与兢业的并进工夫。 Except for Yang Jian, the other three of the "Four Scholars in Yongshang" all proposed the conciliation between"honoring the moral nature" and "following the path of inquiry and study". However, the "Keeping Efforts" of Shu Lin mani-fested itself with simplicity and plainness, of which the meditation for "Original Minds" was not put into great emphasis. In-stead, he advocated improving the moral nature through steady efforts. Shu Lin, unlike Lu Xiangshan, who kept promoting theidea of "easy and plain efforts", had his way of removing lust and keeping principle for steady efforts. Shen Huan, whose spir-itual character and temperament was similar with Shu Lin, focused his attention on the steady efforts of practicing on the premiseof "proposing virtue and showing the good of original minds". As for Yang Jian, who advocated the efforts of "abandoning theFour ( no-foregone conclusions, no-arbitrary predeterminations, no-obstinacy, and no-egoism)", stressed on "no-foregone con-clusions", putting the mind in a non-thinking, non-action and quiescence status like a bright mirror, free from interference.Through the efforts of "no-foregone conclusions", the good of original mind is supposed to be maintained and the mind regainsits original status without any interference and pollution. Yuan Xie held the view that "firstly raising the important" is the pre-supposition of leading people to keeping efforts. When the mind and the object get contacted, man should observe from the pointof the principle and the activity of the principle should rely on the instinct of the original mind. Moreover, he supposed that theoriginal mind is a priori and is affected from the circumstance. His thoughts of keeping efforts had the feature of conciliation,highlighting the joint efforts both on thinking thoroughly and practicing completely.
作者 范立舟
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期1-12,共12页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目"甬上四先生研究"(09CGZX004YBX)的研究成果
关键词 “甬上四先生”(舒璘 沈焕 杨简 袁燮) 宋明理学 存养工夫 心学 "Four Scholars in Yongshang" ( Shu Lin, Shen Huan, Yang Jian, Yuan Xie) Neo-Confucianism "Keeping Ef-forts" the School of Mind
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