目的 通过对比分析区级疾控中心5年质量管理体系内部审核结果,分析各环节的检查情况,为促进质量管理体系规范有序运作提供依据.方法 运用统计学方法对2007年~2011年内部审核中不符合工作要求的数据及变化情况进行分析.结果 2007年~2011年内部审核报告发现的不符合项分别为4.3要素29项、4.5要素4项、4.6要素10项、4.8要素2项、4.9要素41项、5.1要素13项、5.2要素15项、5.3要素12项、5.4要素33项、5.5要素4项、5.6要素7项、5.7要素8项、5.8要素25项,共计203项.主要集中在记录、设备和标准物质、文件控制、结果报告等方面.结论 质量管理体系运行良好,初步建立了持续改进机制.
Objective To compare the results of the internal audit of quality management system among five years and analyze the inspection results of vario, s sectors to provide evidence for promotion of the orderly operation of the management system. Method Through statistical meth,,ds, the inconformity situation with working data and changes in the internal audit in 2007 - 2011 were analyzed. Result In 2007 - 2011, the inconformity items in internal audits included 4.3 elements 29 items, 4.5 elements 4 items, 4.6 elements 10 items, 4.8 elements 2 items, 4.9 elements 41 items, 5.1 elements 13 items, 5.2 elements 15 items, 5.3 elements 12 items, 5. 4 elements 33 items, 5.5 elements 4 items, 5.6 elements 7 items, 5.7 elements 8 items, 5.8 elements 25 items, which was am.unted to 203 items and mainly concentrated in the records, devices and reference materials, document control, results report a,d other factors. Conclusion Quality management system was functioning, and a mechanism for continuous improvement was initial established.
Chinese Health Quality Management
Quality Management System
Internal Audit
Nonconformance Item