逸家公园位于广东省湛江市霞山区,地理区位条件优越,交通较为便利,通达性较强。该项目总面积约33 043 m2,整个方案以"家里的公园,公园里的家"为设计主旨,运用现代自然的设计风格,并结合湛江当地的海洋文化和景观特色,努力寻求人性化的景观,从而营造出一个充满人性化空间和温暖舒适的"家的港湾"。在设计中,自然的圆滑曲线与现代直线相结合,同时迎合"家"的主题,并以"人性化、娱乐性、休闲性和舒适性"为设计思想,打造一个犹如"家"般舒适的景观环境,使生活在现代水泥森林中的人们在繁华的闹市中寻找到一个可以感受温暖舒适感,又能亲近自然的地方,从而让人们身在其中感受到家一般的归属感。
Yijia Park is located in Xiashan District in Zhanjiang City,Guangdong Province,the geographical condition is superior,so that the traffic is convenient.The project has a total area of about 33 043 m2.The whole project with the "home park,the park home" as the design theme,using the modem natural design style,and combine with Zhanjiang local marine culture and landscape features,seeking humanistic landscape,so as to create a full of humanity space and warm and comfortable "home harbor".In the design,natural smooth curve combined with modem lines,at the same time,to cater to the theme of "home",and with the "humanity,entertaining,being leisurely and comfortable" as the design idea,to create a landscape environment is comfortable like "home",and make the people who live in the modern cement forest in the bustling downtown to find a place where can feel warm and comfortable,and close to nature,so that people can feel the general sense of belonging in it.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences