大规模在线开放课程(Massive Online Open Course,简称MOOC)与传统教学方式相比,具有学习者差异性大、学习自主性高、课程结构完整、高校间合作增多等特点。高校图书馆及其图书馆员在促进MOOC发展中主要有以下作用:担任著作权顾问、提供信息资源及技术支持、发展信息素养教育、协助课程评估。借鉴国外的经验,我国高校图书馆及其图书馆员在支持本机构MOOC发展中应做到:积极参与本机构的MOOC、加强图书馆承担角色的理论研究、培养专业人才、与其他高校图书馆合作。
Compared with the traditional teaching mode, Massive Open Online Course(MOOC) has many features, such as large differences among learners, the high learning autonomy, the complete curriculum structure, and more chances for universities to cooperate. University libraries and their librarians have following effects in promoting the MOOC development: holding the post of the copyright consultant, providing information resources and technical supports, developing the information literacy education and assisting the curriculum evaluation. Drawing lessons from foreign experiences, university libraries and their librarians in China should do following aspects in the support of the MOOC development of their institutions: actively participating in MOOC of their institutions, strengthening the theoretical study of roles that libraries play, cultivating professional talents and cooperating with other university libraries.
Library Development