中断响应时间是衡量操作系统性能的重要参数和指标,它直接反映了系统对外部触发事件的响应能力,也是衡量操作系统实时性的一个重要指标.本文设计了一种测试操作系统中断响应时间的新方法,该方法采用CPCI板卡硬件,利用FPGA计时器并配合上层软件对中断响应时间进行测试.通过该方法实现了对Windows XP操作系统在不同负载情况下ISR、DPC和EVENT 3种中断响应方式响应时间的测量,并得出了中断响应时间的统计规律.依据这些统计规律,可以根据实时性的需求,选用合理的中断响应方式.
Interrupt response time is an important parameter and index of measuring the performance of the operating system. It directly reflects the response ability of the system to external triggering events, and also an important indicator of real-time operating system. The design created a new method for testing the operating system interrupt response time. This method adopted CPCI interface card and used FPGA timer cooperating with upper software to test the interrupt response time. The method realized on testing the response time of Windows XP operating system under different load conditions, in three ways of interrupt response: ISR, DPC and EVENT. The property of the interrupt response time was given. Based on the statistical law, choose reasonable way of interrupt response, according to the demand of real-time.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology