

“Changing the Old for the New” and “With the Help of Here to Say There”—A Brief Discussion of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Foreign Description in Journey to the West
摘要 《西游记》作为一部描摹唐僧师徒众人远赴异邦的行走过程的游历小说,其中存在着大量涉及殊方绝域的故事情节。揆诸实际可以发现,作者在描写异域之时主要采用了两种创作手法:一方面,《西游记》在描写异域时运用了"化旧为新"之法,让久居故地的原住民与突兀而来的游历者分别来观察对方的新奇之处,从而将熟悉的环境与人物陌生化,为书中的人物以及书外的读者提供了一种全新的审美感受体验;另一方面,《西游记》在描写异域时又时常采用"借此言彼"之法,将取经五众以及大唐皇朝作为塑造他界人物与异域环境的基本标准与尺度,这又淡化了"化旧为新"的手法所带来的惊奇之感。小说在处理异域情节时的两类创作手法虽有高下之异,却又有本质上的共通之处;不同于那些借助异邦漫游以反思自我、带有一定现代性的游历小说,《西游记》中这种瑕瑜互见的旅行情节体现了作为"天朝上国"臣民的作者自身对"蕞尔蛮夷"这样不熟悉的"非家环境"的好奇而拒绝的复杂态度,展露出一种根深蒂固的传统观念,在某种程度上背离了游历结构应当具有的审美定式。 Journey to the West is a travel novel that describes Monk Tang ’ s traveling to the foreign countries with his disciples and the danger that they encountered .By careful reading of the novel , we can find that the author describes the foreign regions mainly by two kinds of writing techniques .One, it uses the approach of changing the old for the new in the description of a foreign country , making the natives and the visitors observe each other ’ s novelty respectively to realize the defamilarization of the environment and the folk , as a result of which the roles in the novel and the readers can have a new aesthetic experience .The other one is that it uses the approach of describing this but referring to that .In other words , in the description of a foreign country, it takes the Tang Dynasty and the tourist group as the model to describe it , which weakens the novelty that the first approach realizes .Though these two writing skills are different in describing foreign countries , they have something in common essentially.That is, both of them express the author’s and the tourists’ surprise and refusal attitude to foreign countries , to some extent which is a betrayal to the aesthetic stereotype in travel novel .
作者 董定一
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2014年第4期35-40,共6页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 《西游记》 异域描写 游历小说 Journey to the West foreign description novels on travels
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