
美国精确打击历史回溯 被引量:3

A Review ov the Formation and Development of the US Precision Strike
摘要 美智库机构战略与预算评估中心(CSBA)高级研究员巴里·瓦茨(Darry D.Watts)2013年发表的《精确打击的演化发展》报告,对美国海湾战争以来的军事革命进行了详尽的分析。报告提出了区分远程与近程精确打击的参考标准,详细介绍了美国20世纪军事革命中精确打击能力和作战趋势形成的背景和过程,分析了精确打击弹药采购的资源制约因素,评价了美国在成熟精确打击体制中全球力量投送面临的风险和挑战,希望美国及时做出相应的调整和变革。《精确打击的演化发展》报告对理解精确打击时代的美国军事革命有较大帮助,对美国未来几十年的新的军队结构和能力发展趋势可能具有重要参考价值。 Darry D. Watts, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, fully depicted the new military technologies emerging during the late 20th century revolution in military affairs, and made a profound analysis with persuasive data and relevant factors of the U.S. precision strike's historical development in his late report called The Evolution of Precision Strike. Watts introduced a new way to distinguish long- from short-range precision strike fo- cused on a near-real-time targeting network, and pointed out the obvious trends towards precision-centric operation among all the services of the U.S., as well as those resource constraints of acquisition that slowed down the proliferation of precision weapons. He argued that the global power projection of U.S. military in a maturing precision-strike regime is and will continue to face extreme challenges and risks, especially when taking account of China's growing A2/AD capacities. Thus the U.S. needs to make adjustment accordingly and develop new operational concepts. This report provides an overall perspective of precision-centric operation, which has great implications and values for understanding U.S. 's possible new force planning construct and capability priorities to develop in the future.
作者 姬少丽
出处 《国防科技》 2014年第3期97-102,共6页 National Defense Technology
关键词 精确打击 精确弹药 力量投送 侦察-打击 军事革命 precision strike precision munitions power projection RUK (reconnaissance-strike complex) RMA(revolution in military affairs)
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  • 1Darry D. W. The Evolution of Precision Strike [EB/OL]. http://www.csbaonline.org/publications/2013/08/the - evolution-of-precision-strike/. 被引量:1
  • 2Darry D Wa. The Maturing Revolution in Mili- tary Affairs[EB/OL].http://www. csbaonline, org/publications/ 2011/06/the -maturing-revolution-in-military-affairs/. 被引量:1
  • 3Jim Thomas. The Quadrennial Defense Review: Process, Policy, and Perspectives Testtimony, Feb 26, 2013: Statement Before the House Armed services Com- mittee Oversight And Investigations Subcommittee[EB/OL], http://www.csbaonline.org/publications/2013/02/the -quadren- nial-defense-review-process-policy-and-perspectives/. 被引量:1
  • 4Otto Kreisher. Think Tanks Project Force Struc- ture, Strategy Under Continued Sequestration [EB/OL]. http //www.seapowermagazine.org/stories/20140205 -think -tanks html. 被引量:1
  • 5Think Tank Analysts Propose Increased Air Force Investments, Army Cuts[EB/OL]. http://insidedefense. com/index.php?option=com_user&view=login&retum=ahrocdovl21uc21kzwrlzmvuc2uuy29t10luc21kzs lOagutucgudgfnb24vs w5zawrllxrozs 1 qzw5OywdvbiOwmi8wni8ymdeO13roaw5rlxrhbm- styw5hbhlzdhmtchjvcg9zzs 1 pbmnyzwfzzwqtywlylwzvcmnl- wludmvzdg 1 lbnrzlwfybxkty3vOcy9tzw51 lwlkltgwlmhObww=. 被引量:1
  • 6Christopher Dougherty. US Army Must Redefine Its Role[EB/OL]. http://www.csbaonline.org/2014/03/10/us- army-must-redefine-its-role/. 被引量:1











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