目的:通过对门诊不合理处方的点评与分析,促进临床药物的合理应用。方法:采用随机方法抽取9 000张门诊处方,根据《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》、药品说明书及其他相关资料,进行点评与分析。结果:9 000张门诊处方合格率为90.30%,单张处方平均开具药品1.98种,处方平均金额65.36元,抗菌药物使用率为34.39%,注射剂使用率为28.66%,基本药物使用率为60.71%,药品通用名使用率为99.12%。其中,不合理处方876例(占9.73%),包括处方书写不规范和处方用药不规范;抗菌药物使用不合理的处方有108张,占不合理处方总数的12.33%。结论:通过对不合理处方的点评与分析,可针对发现的问题及时采取相应的措施,以更好地保障临床用药的合理、安全、有效。
OBJECTIVE: To review and analyze the irrational outpatient prescriptions so as to promote clinical rational use of drugs. METHODS: 9 000 outpatient prescriptions were collected randomly for review and analysis according to Prescription Management Method, Management Practices on Hospital Prescription Review (Trial) , drug instructions and other relevant documents. RESULTS: 90.30% of the total 9 000 outpatient prescriptions were qualified; an average of 1.98 drugs were prescribed per prescripion; the average amount of money per prescription stood at 65.36 yuan; the rates of antibiotics, injections, essential drugs and those drugs in generic names were 34.39% , 28.66% , 60.71% and 99.12% , respectively. Irrational prescriptions totaled 876 (9.73%), and the irrationality manifested as nonstandard writing of prescription and nonstandard use of drugs; the irrational antibiotic prescriptions totaled 108, accounting for 12.33% of total irrational prescriptions. CONCLUSIONS: Review and analysis on the irrational prescriptions followed by taking corresponding measures aimed at the problems identified can help ensure rational, safe and effective clinical medication.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Outpatient prescription
Prescription review
Rationality in drug use