
致密油藏压裂水平井生产动态分析方法 被引量:8

Analysis on fracturing horizontal well performance in tight oil reservoir
摘要 致密油藏中流体存在着多种流动特性,包括线性流、径向流、复合线性流,复合径向流等。文章介绍了一种利用生产动态分析方法来判断压裂水平井流动特性的方法,并提出一套相关的判断流程和步骤。通过对北美巴肯致密油田600多口在产井的实例分析,指出绝大部分油井表现出裂缝向井筒线性流动的特性,同时很多油井的生产表现出双重介质的特征。 There were many fluid flowing types which could be defined as single linear flow,radial flow,Bilinear flow transitional flow and biradial flow in the tight oil reservoir.One methodology was introduced in the paper to analyze the flowing types of the muti- fracturing horizontal well in tight oil by well performance.More than 600 muti- fracturing horizontal wells' performance were analyzed in Bakken oilfield of North America.And most of the wells show the linear flow from the fracture system to the wellbore.The dual porosity characteristics was shown in a lot of wells.
作者 杨俊峰
出处 《石油地质与工程》 CAS 2013年第5期85-88,149,共4页 Petroleum Geology and Engineering
关键词 致密油藏 多段压裂水平井 流动特性 生产动态分析 tight oil reservoir muti-fracturing horizontal well flowing type well performance analysis
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