高校开展高山滑雪教学对培养大学生滑雪的兴趣、爱好,以及锻炼行的养成,达到娱乐与健身的目的具有重要作用。由于高校缺乏统一的高山滑雪教材,对开设的滑雪初级教学中存在的一些问题未能实现有效的共性认识,严重制约了滑雪运动在高校的普及与发展。提出在高山滑雪初级教学中应注意使大学生了解高山滑雪板的结构与性能,学会选用不同类型的高山滑雪板;选择合适的高山滑雪鞋与固定器,固定器的强度要求指标控制在4~5 kg为好;高山滑雪服与滑雪杖的选用时注重性价比等问题,探索提高冬季高山滑雪教学质量之策。
The development of alpine skiing teaching in universities plays an important role for achieving the aim of recreation and fitness by developing the undergraduates^skiing interest, hobby and practice. The lack of unified alpine skiing teaching books and the failure of effectively understanding the generality of some problems in the elementary teaching of alpine skiing badly restrict the popularization and development of ski- ing in universities. The paper puts forward some noticeable problems of the elementary teaching in alpine skiing such as helping the undergraduates understand the structure and properties of alpine skis, learn to use different types of alpine skis, choose the right alpine ski boots and fixer, which fixer strength requirements index should be in 4 - 5 kg, choose the alpine ski suits and ski pole with better cost performance. The pur- pose is to suggest a reference for improving the teaching quality in alpine skiing.
China Winter Sports
alpine skiing
elementary teaching