目的观察聚四氟乙烯人工气管体内植入后的形态学及病理学变化。方法取聚四氟乙烯微孔管,其外包绕聚丙烯螺旋丝,预制成人工气管。取新西兰白兔40只,体重4-5 kg,切除颈段气管2 cm,制备气管缺损动物模型。实验组(n=20)用人工气管与气管上、下端端吻合;正常对照组(n=20)行一期气管端端吻合术。术后观察动物存活情况,并于术后2、4、6个月行X线片观察,取材行大体观察、组织学观察;对移植前后人工气管行纵向拉伸及径向支撑生物力学试验,并与正常对照组比较。结果实验组15只动物存活超过2个月并保持人工气管通畅;术后4个月以后人工气管外组织生成类似气管样组织,可填充缺损区域;同期正常对照组动物全部存活。术后各时间点X线片示实验组人工气管均无明显移位,位置保持良好;正常对照组均未见气管狭窄。组织学观察示,实验组术后2个月人工气管内壁无明显上皮组织;4个月人工气管内壁有部分上皮细胞覆盖,未完全内皮化,未见气管纤毛柱状上皮,气管各层次不完整;6个月人工气管内壁基本被上皮细胞覆盖,并出现部分气管纤毛柱状上皮,基本具备了气管的生理功能。生物力学试验结果示,聚四氟乙烯人工气管移植后可保持稳定的生物力学性能,适用于兔气管重建。结论聚四氟乙烯人工气管可诱导受体气管内外组织生成气管样组织,气管各层次较符合生理学状态,实验动物可短期存活。
Objective To observe the morphological and pathological changes after transplantation of polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) in vivo. Methods PTFE microporous polypropylene tube which was encircled by spiral steel wire was used to prepare the artii cial trachea. Forty New Zealand white rabbits(weighing, 4-5 kg) were selected, and were divided into 2 groups. After the cervical trachea(2 cm in length) was removed, the end-to-end anastomosis between the trachea and PTFE artii cial trachea was performed in the experimental group(n=20), and end-to-end anastomosis of the trachea in the control group(n=20). The survival of the rabbits was observed after operation; the X-ray, gross, and histological observations were carried out at 2, 4, and 6 months after operation. The longitudinal tensile and radial support biomechanical tests were performed before and after transplantation. Results The survival time was more than 2 months and the artii cial airway was patency in 15 rabbits of the experimental group; the tissue outside the artii cial trachea was like tracheal tissue, which i lled in the defect, but it was more than 4 months. X-ray observation showed that the PTFE artii cial trachea had no obvious displacement in the experimental group, and no tracheostenosis was observed in the control group. After 2 months, there was no epithelial tissue on the artii cial airway wall; after 4 months, there was some epithelial cells on the artii cial airway wall, incomplete endothelialization and trachea layer structure were seen with no tracheal ciliated columnar epithelium; after 6 months, the artii cial trachea wall was covered with epithelium basically, and some ciliated columnar epithelium cells were found, which had the physiological function of the trachea. The transplanted PTFE artii cial trachea could keep the stability of the biological mechanics performance, and could be used for the rabbit tracheal reconstruction. Conclusion PTFE artii cial trachea can induce to form a tracheal tissue in the trachea tissues o
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery
Artii cial tracheal prosthesis Tracheal reconstruction Polytetral uoroethylene Epithelization Rabbit