为了有效的对高COD、高悬浮物的豆沙废水进行处理,本实验中选用气浮-厌氧-曝气生物滤池为主体处理工艺对其进行处理。实验结果表明:在进水水质COD为20 000 mg/L,SS为1 500 mg/L的条件下,通过本工艺,出水水质COD降为283 mg/L,SS为200 mg/L,去除率分别为98.58%和86.67%,出水水质完全达到(CJ 3082-1999)《污水排入城市下水道水质标准》。说明:本处理工艺能够对豆沙废水进行有效处理,有望成为豆沙废水处理的主流方法。
In order to remove COD and SS from sweetened bean paste wastewater effectively, this study choses "flotation -anaerobic - BAF bio - filter" as the main treatment process. The results indicated that when the inflow water quality is COD20000 mg/L and SS 1500 mg,/L, the COD and SS of outflow water will reduce to 283 mg/L and 200 mg/L, respectively. The average COD and SS removal rate are 98.58% and 86.67%. Water quality fully meet the Urban Sewer Water Discharge QualityStandard - CJ 3082 - 1999. It indicates that the wastewater treatment process is able to treat sweetened bean paste wastewater ef-fectively.
Environmental Science and Management