
北极航道通行中环保限制问题的法律思考 被引量:3

Legal analysis on the environmental restriction in Arctic navigation
摘要 北极航道的开辟使北极航道通行和环境保护的关系成为关注的热点。北极各国复杂的利益争议以及国际统一法律规范的缺失使北极航道沿岸国以环保为由对通行进行限制成为可能。基于此,通过梳理现有的法律治理模式、考量沿岸国进行环境限制的可能模式并进行法律分析,为解决上述问题提供思路。同时建议中国在《极地规则》的制定中强调环保措施与通行权利的平衡,反对北极航道沿岸国以环保为由限制合法的通行要求,反对沿岸国寻求超出《联合国海洋法公约》规定之外的利益。 With the opening of the Arctic Passage,the relationship between the increasing trans-Arctic marine shipping and Arctic environment protection becomes the hot spot. Arctic countries' interest conflicts and the loss of the international legal governance make the environmental restriction possible. The article tries to solve the problem by analyzing the existing legal modes and investigating the possibility of environment restriction modes. Simultaneously,it is important to emphasize the balance between environment restriction and navigational right in drafting Polar Code and oppose those coastal states seeking the undue rights over the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
作者 张芷凡
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2014年第2期84-89,120,共7页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
基金 国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心自主科研项目"中国海洋权益维护与拓展法律保障研究"
关键词 北极航道 环境保护 通行权利 Arctic Passage environment protection navigational right
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