In the present-day era dominated by visual culture following the " graphic turn", the image of "others", especially the image of alien "others", in the graphic art of a native tradition is a most worthwhile topic of inquiry. The image of "others" in native art refers to the figure image in the art of a cultural tradition, which does not belong to that tradition but comes from a foreign country. There existed a large number of such images in the visual spheres of both Eastern and Western arts in pre-globalization periods. By exploring these images of "others", we can not only acquire knowledge of the cultural exchanges between different cultures, but also gain a better understanding of the deep structure and aesthetic mechanism of visual representation. In the process of creating these images of "others", what are the factors exerting an impact on their creation? Which factor is the decisive one in their creation? How does this factor influence and determine their creation.9 Because of the interaction of various factors controlling the relationship between " self" and " others", the image of "others" in graphic art operates in a bipolar dynamism between beautification and vilification. But the form of treatment is determined by the geopolitics and world order of the era in which the native artists live, and also by the soft power and discursive power of the era in which the native culture exists. In other words, it is the power politics, together with ideology, that ultimately determines the aesthetic taste -for the creation of the image of others.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
image of others, native art, ideology, aesthetic logic, visual representation