
一个古老名词的未来:兼论当下主义历史观 被引量:5

The Future of a very Old Name? On the History of Presentism
摘要 当代的历史观念已经发生了重大变化。要应对这种变化所带来的挑战,需要摒弃"历史"这一术语原先的含义。现代历史观念兴起于欧洲,与文明的演进有着密切关系,它所隐含的价值判断一度成为一种终极的评判标准。当前需要重新审视"历史"一词的含义,以一种新的方式统合过去、当下和未来这三种历史时间形态,从而走出欧洲中心主义偏狭的时间观念和历史观念。 During the last two centuries,the word History has been one of the 'crossroad' terms around which belief crystalized itself.But what do we mean when we utter the word History today? What do we(still)believe in? We could look at the question both from inside the discipline and from outside.What are the challenges and the proposals? In any case,we must start by abandoning the prior meaning of the term;That modern notion of history written with a capital H which was launched and imposed by Europe and was charged with the progress of civilizations;which wanted to be,simultaneously,the locative of the modern world as well as its ultimate judge.That notion of history may still linger on,but it no longer holds sway on the world in the same way it once did.Only then can we ask if the ancient name of history can be redeployed once again to offer a new way of articulating the three categories of past,present and future—which humans have always needed to regulate their life together—without subjecting any of them to the tyranny of the other.Is such a project possible in a world so far removed from the one which regulated the meridian in Greenwich?
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期42-48,158-159,共7页 Historiography Bimonthly
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