OBJECTIVE To observe the incidence of central venous catheter-related infections in the wards of de- partment of gastroenterology and analyze the risk factors so as to put forward corresponding prevention measures. METHODS The clinical data of 964 patients who underwent the central venous catheterization in the department of gastroenterology from Jan 2008 to Dec 2012 were retrospectively analyzed, then the risk factors for the central ve- nous catheter-related infections were explored, and the data were statistically analyzed by using SPSS17. 0 soft- ware. RESULTS Of the 964 patients who underwent the central venous catheterization in the department of gastro- enterology, the central venous catheter-related infections occurred in 82 cases with the infection rate of 8.51% the incidence of the central venous-catheter-related infections increased with the age of the patients, the infection rate was 2.78% in the patients with less than 40 years of age, significantly increasing to 12.43% in the patients with more than 80 years of age (P〈0. 01), The incidence of central venous catheter-related infections was associ- ated with the primary disease, the incidence of catheter-related infections was the highest in the patients with pan- ereatitis (15.63 %), followed by the patients with malignant tumors (10.82 %) and the patients with gastrointes- tinal hemorrhage (4.55 %). The incidence of infections was 5.73 % in the patients with the time of central venous catheter indwelling less than 20 days, 17.32% in the patients with the time more than 20 days, and there was sig- nificant difference (P〈0. 01). CONCLUSION The incidence of the central venous catheter-related infections in the wards of department of gastroenterology is associated with the age, primary disease, and time of catheter indwell- ing. It is necessary to perform the standardized operation of procedures, rigidly monitor this group of patients, and execute the sterile operation so as to further reduce the incidence of the 'central venou
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
Central venous catheter-related infection
Risk factor
Prevention measure