为了保护明长城,高速公路需要在埋深约20 m的浅埋路段以隧道形式下穿明长城。这样的工程实例并不多见,没有太多的设计经验可以借鉴。以实际工程为例,介绍了隧道穿越明长城的方案设计与施工技术,可供同类工程设计和施工借鉴和参考。
In order to protect the part of Ming Great Wall located in the' construction area of an expressway, a scheme was proposed that a highway tunnel will traverse underneath it in a shallowlyburied section with a burial depth of 20 meters. The scheme and construction technology were introduced in combination with the project, providing reference for similar circumstances.
Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization