目的了解Orbscan系统与A超测量角膜厚度及前房深度之差异。方法在我院行激光手术的例案中,随机抽取200人(400眼)对其在术前用Orbscan系统和A超所测的厚度及前房深度结果进行分组比较。结果 Orbscan系统测量角膜中央厚度为523.59±41.19um,A超测量结果为548.55±34.45um,U检验P<0.01,差别有极显著性。Orbscan系统测量中央前房深度为3.76±0.28mm,A超测量结果为3.97±0.31mm,U检验P<0.01差别有极显著性。结论虽然两者之间测量结果存在一定差异,Orbscan系统在测量的精确性和稳定程度等方面还需进一步完善,但Orbscan系统给我们提供了检测眼前节的全新概念和详尽数据,能对临床和科研工作提供更大的帮助。
Purpose To compare the difference of measurements of corneal thickness and anterior chamber dapth between with the Orbscan topography system and with A-ultrasonics. Methods To measure 400 eyes of 200 myopia patients with the Orbscan-Ⅱ Topography System and A-ultrasonics respectively. Then compare the result of corneal thickness and anterior chamber depth. Results The mean center corneal thickness was 523.59 ± 41.19 um with the Orbscan- Ⅱ System and 548.55±34.45 um with the A-ultrasonics, these values being significantly different(U test P<0.01) . The mean center anterior chamber depth was 3.76 ± 0.28 mm with the Orbscan- Ⅱ System and 3.97 ±0.31 mm with die A- ultrasonics, the values of which were significantly different ( U test, P < 0.01) . Conclusion Although according to there are difference between with Orbscan-Ⅱ System and with A-ultrasonics, the Orbscan-Ⅱ Topography System has the potential to be a full, new device for the analysis of anterior segment. It can suppy a large number of detailed data and can help clinical work and research.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
Corneal thickness
Anterior chamber depth
Orbscan-Ⅱ Topography System