文章总结了福建师大福清分校 (原福建省福清师范高等专科学校 )从高等师范专科教育到高职高专教育的办学转轨工作 ,阐述了转轨的必要性和紧迫性。文章主要从转变观念、制定高职高专新的教学计划 ,加强实践环节、办出特色 ,加强师资队伍建设、培养“双师型”和一专多能的教师等三个方面有理论有事实地论述了如何做好办学的转轨工作和实施高职高专教学工作。
This piece is a summary of schooi-running trans formation in Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University from higher normal education to higher vocational education:it states the urgency and necessity of such transformation.The article with sulricient argumens and facts by introducing idea changing higher-vocational-teaching plan making practice-links-strengthening and double-function teachers training deals with how to carry out the project of transformation of higher vocational education.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University