针对目前高等教育体制中存在的文理相互脱节、学生知识结构和价值观念的偏颇、课程设置对学生综合素质的制约等现象 ,通过转变教育观念、调整课程设置、加强校园文化建设、注重实践性教学环节等文理渗透的方式 ,以推进素质教育 ,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的复合型人才。
In the higher education field, both science and art develops differently without any association, so the knowledge of the students are unbalanced, and the curriculum can not meet the needs of quality education. But nowadays, we need able persons that have innovative ideas and experiences; we may reach this by the compatibility of science and art, adjusting our ideas, curriculum and more practice.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College