目的 :评价从正常健康献血员血浆来源的自制的SD病毒灭活型人纤维蛋白胶 ,对猪心脏移植过程中各吻合口的止血效果及封闭作用。方法 :在肝素化低凝状态下行猪心脏移植手术 ,在心脏和血管缝合处的外部的渗血部位 ,以常规的压迫止血和使用经病毒灭活处理的人血纤维蛋白胶作比较 ,观察缝合后伤口的渗血量和止血时间。结果 :2组对比 ,纤维蛋白胶在吻合口起到立即止血、封闭伤口和减少心包渗出的效果 ,止血时间和渗血量较压迫止血对照组有显著性差异 ,P均 <0 0 1。结论 :人纤维蛋白胶对于缝合后的猪心脏、血管和伤口有明显的止血 ,封闭伤口和减少渗出的作用 。
AIM: To observe the action of haemostatic and sealing on the pig's cardiac transplantation with SD treated virus inactivated human fibrin, in which original production material came from healthy denoted plasma. METHODS: The effects of fibrin sealant and press with sterilized physical saline water wetted gauze on the blood permeation of heart transplantation and blood vessel sewing position were evaluated and compared. Bleeding volume of the blood permeation and coagulation time was observed by the two different hemostatic methods. RESULTS: There were remarkable statistic differences in blood permeation bleeding volume and coagulation time by using the two different hamostatic methods ( P <0 01). CONCLUSION: Fibrina is faster, more stable and more effective hemostatic sealant. It provides wider possibilities in cardio arteria and other blood vessel's surgeon.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy