党际关系理论是科学社会主义理论当中的重要组成部分。马克思恩格斯对党际关系理论进行了初步论述 ,最早提出了无产阶级国际主义原则 ;列宁在理论上进行了继承和发展 ,并在实践中着力贯彻无产阶级国际主义原则 ;中共第一代领导集体在将马克思主义党际关系理论与中国实际情况相结合方面作出了巨大贡献 ;进入新时期后 ,中共对外联络和交往在党际关系四项原则指导下取得了十分显著的成就。
As a component part of Marxism theory,Marxism Proletarian Parties Relation theory was brought forward by the great revolution leaders--Marx and Engles. The principle, Proletarian International, which had been initiated by them was developed by Lenin in Russian and Chinese revolution leaders in China. The principle was confronted some severe challenges in the circumstance of globalization. The CPC'S Four Principles party relationships was the development of the Marxism Proletariat Party Relationship theory, and an efficient theory weapon for dealing with the new condition in the era of 21st century as well.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science