在其他因素不变的情况下 ,资源的利用效率决定资源的需要量 ,从而决定第二种含义的社会必要劳动时间 ;资源利用效率与商品价值量成反比。制度安排决定资源的利用效率 ,制度建设的完善程度与单位商品价值量成反比。建立科学的制度安排体系 ,能够提高资源利用效率 ,降低商品价值量 ,提高社会经济福利。
This thesis discusses the following viewpoints:the demand of natural resources is decided by their utilization ratio, which determines the necessary social labor time of the second meaning. The utilization ratio of natural resources is contrary to the amount of the commodity price. System arrangement sets the utilization ratio of natural resources. The perfection of systems is opposite to the amount of unit commodity price. The establishment of scientific systems can increase the utilization ratio of natural resources and social economic welfare, while decreasing the amount of commodity price.
The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics