从系统的观点出发,对教学的内容、形式与功能三者之间的联系作阐述,分析高校体育健身内容教 学体系构建应遵循内容──形式──功能的模式。教师要突破传统,立足现实,积极探索,创建一套既适合学生年龄的生理、心理特征又能促进学生自我锻炼、自我评价、自我发展的内容体系。
From the point of systematic theory, we have a statement on the relationship among the teaching content, the form and functions. Meanwhile we analyze the teaching system of college stu- dents' physical training, which should follow the model of Content to form to function. Teachers themselves break the tradi- tion on the basis of reality, inquire into it, and a new approach of Self-development, so that it can be suitable for the physi- ological and psychological features of contemporary college student. Then their self-practice, Self-appreciation and self- development can be improved.
Journal of Zhaoqing University